12 Nov 2012


Remembrance Day in Rotterdam
November 11, 2012
Remembrance Day in Europe has so much more poignancy than in Canada.  We sent troops and we lost many lives.  It's true.

Here, many soldiers' lives were lost too but ordinary civilians lost their lives, their homes, everything they owned, their workplaces, their cities; cities that weren't bombed into oblivion turned their flower gardens into potato patches for their citizens; the civilians in cities that were bombed were terrorized for years and then spent years cleaning up the rubble; people starved and ate flower bulbs; clothes wore out...

I had the privilege of being in Rotterdam, Holland to take part in a Peace Service on Remembrance Day.  In May 1940, a German Blitz razed the centre of this city to the ground - nothing remained except the shell of one church.  Today it is a thriving hub of daring new architecture and economic growth.  They have rebuilt the heart of their city.  As I looked at the bustling port and the cranes still constructing new buildings, I was struck by the thought that the heart of this new city was younger than me.

Erasmus Bridge

The citizens worked together to rebuild their city
But the monument that silenced me
                              and retold the city's story of pain so vividly was                            

                                                                  the cry of anguish

on the face of this distorted bronze statue of
De Verwoeste Stad (The Devastated City)
whose heart had been ripped out

Lest we forget .........................


2 Nov 2012


Hallowe'en is not a celebration here.

La  Toussaint is.

La Toussaint is a two-day celebration of two related Roman Catholic holidays.  The first of November is All Saints' Day.  It's a public holiday in Belgium.  Families come together and usually go to the cemetery to honour their deceased relatives and put chrysanthemums on their graves.  These flowers are, strangely enough, associated with death.  People never give them as gifts!

The next day, November second is All Souls' Day.  This is the day people are supposed to go to the cemetery but since it's not a public holiday, the Belgians tend to go on the first.

Off I went to the Ixelles Cemetery to see what I could see with my camera, so come along with me!  It's a cold, blustery autumn day so wear your gloves and a warm coat and we'll see what's different in a Belgium cemetery from a Canadian one.

just like a city with avenues and lanes
memorial to those who died in both World Wars
The Solway family's tombstone was created by the Art Nouveau architect Victor Horta
Chrysanthemums are associated with death here
a bronze statue snipping the thread of life with his scissors


Most graves are covered with a large slab of marble or stone