28 Jan 2012


    I have just finished my week teaching language acquisition techniques (PILAT) to the PCA missionaries that are here for training before they go off to different countries.  This is what I have been doing for the past 5 years and so I wanted to continue doing it this year.  It's always a fun, stimulating week but I've come home tired.  I give it 200% of my energy.
    It is such a privilege for me to do this training.  These young singles and couples have been chosen by God to go out into countries and cultures foreign to theirs, to tell them about Jesus and His power to forgive their sins and change their lives.  It's a real joy to be part of their training, to give them tools for learning the heart language of the people they're going to.
    And I love to see my ol' buddies too: Peter Beck, Minette Lugo and Jeff Marlowe, the directors of the program, and spend time laughing and catching up with them over peanuts and a beer, or a meal out in a restaurant.  (This year I had wild boar for the first time!)
    Now that that's behind me, I'll be focussing on St. Andrew's again - which I haven't even told you about yet! .............it's coming :)

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