1 Jul 2013


"My home and native land" has a birthday today.  Happy Birthday, Canada!

I share this day with two other families in St. Andrew's :

                                                       the Zadows

                                       Penni Clarke Convié, our choir director

                 and of course with Rebekah Klinck, my niece, who is here on a visit

Canadians away from home celebrate too and I thought you might like to see how we Canadians over here in Brussels are celebrating Canada's 146th birthday - a fun party!
Our flag flies proudly at
NATO where our
celebration was held

hotdogs and hamburgers, of course!
best child's costume:
Chris Hatfield
without guitar!

the "eh" team


Enjoy your day as it begins!
Happy Canada Day, wherever you are!
(And of course we'll share the celebrations with Croatia who became the 28th country to join the European Union yesterday!)

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