6 Sept 2013


Last night, Margaret Atwood was in Brussels, promoting her latest book, so I went to hear the interview with her.  The interviewer was a well-known Belgian author.
It was a good interview - typically Atwood - and I felt a kinship with her as she told jokes about a Sasquatch and being Canadian.

However, what blew me away was that there were easily over 800 people there to see and hear her!  I didn't know she was so well-known in Europe.  Her books were available in English, French and Flemish and were selling like hotcakes. 
Her interview was in English .... and everyone was understanding.   Yet, as we left the concert hall, I heard many European languages around me, as well as English.  The culture of this city continues to amaze me!

1 comment:

  1. :) She is also involved in Toronto activism! We have a common admiration for the same person!
