7 Mar 2014


I couldn't let this day go by without acknowledging all the beautiful women in my life. 

Over the years,
you have made me laugh
I have watched you grow up into a beautiful woman
you have held my hand when I've been afraid
you have cried with me
you have kicked my butt when necessary
I have been your mentor
we have talked through so many issues
you have been my encourager through the years
you have prayed for me and with me
you have challenged me on my daily walk with Christ
you have brainstormed with me to help me "see straight"
you have disagreed with me yet still loved me
you have been my friend
I have depended so much on you
you have cheered me on in my adventures
you have shared your life with me
you have strengthened my faith
you have picked me up when I "blew it"
you have stretched me in wonderful ways

I shut my eyes and I see you and I thank my Abba for you.
I love you

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