7 Mar 2012

Brussels 301

More interesting things that caught my eye (I've got to keep writing them down because my eye is becoming more Belgian all the time!) :

- I bought myself a pair of shoes and was amazed to discover that there are no "widths" in European shoe sizes (at least this is what the salelady told me).  I have a narrow foot, you have a wide foot and we both buy the same shoe!!  Needless to say, I had to find a shoemaker to buy an insert to hold my heel in place.

- Pigeons poop all over so some folk add spikes to their window ledges so the pigeons can't land on them.  Can you see the spikes?

- The port city of Antwerp is the world's diamond capital. Most of the businesses are run by Jewish families

- You could be fined in Belgium if you don't vote!  Try that on for size, Canada!!

- I thought that we Montrealers should take note of the next two:

- This is how Belgium keeps cars from parking where they shouldn't.  Sidewalks are so low that cars can easily park anywhere on sidewalks.

- This is how Belgium keeps pedestrians from jaywalking  It works!  Can you see this on the corners of the downtown streets of Montreal?!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like toronto uses the same spikes for their pigeon problem!
