4 May 2012

May Day

May 1st in Europe is like Labour Day in North America, traditionally a celebration of solidarity among workers and a holiday.

However, here it also officially celebrates the beginning of summer. On May 1st, 1561, King Charles IX of France received a lily-of-the-valley as a lucky charm.  He decided to offer the same each year to the ladies of the court.  At the beginning of the 20th century, it became custom to give a sprig of lily-of-the-valley, a symbol of springtime, on May 1st.

And so I did.  I took a small bouquet and a delicious brioche to some friends' apartment and had breakfast with them :)

... and I followed that lovely beginning of the day with a visit to a show of antique porcelaine and ceramics.  There were exquisite vases, dishes, serving pieces, figurines, crystal bottles and flasks, clocks, urns and much more from many countries in Europe and the East.  The colours and designs, the intricacy and the shapes were candy for the eyes.  I loved it!

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