13 Aug 2013


I conceive of the spiritual life as a capacity built into the human person, but one that can only develop in relationship with God.  "I call you into my soul", said Augustine, "which you prepare to accept, by the longing that you breathe into it."  Although we all have the capacity, our spiritual longing will remain unfulfilled until we make contact, and then develop the skills of spiritual "correspondence."  Considered in this way, Jesus' striking image of being born again makes perfect sense.  Conversion, the process of connecting to spiritual reality, awakens the potential of brand new life.  And as God's children we become who we are through relationship with God and God's people.

I become who I am as a Christian by relating to God.  In ways mysterious and often hard to describe - yet never coercive or manipulative - I have changed over time because of my contact with God.                                                              (P. Yancey)

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