28 Jan 2012

Feeling at home :)

    On entering my apartment after a week's absence, I felt I was coming home, and that felt good.  The sun was shining and I needed a few things so I went out for a walk.  I bought a bunch of orange tulips, a wonderful whole grain bread made with zucchini, and an 'escargot' pastry for tea (like a cinnamon swirl but with butter and raisins).  A 5-piece brass band was playing on one of the avenues and they made everyone walk with a smile and a little lighter step.  I felt good: I knew I was settling in.
    I am content about being here.  My 'job' with Andrew has no official description so I'm eager to discover why God brought me here.  I look forward to all sorts of new things this year, to being stretched by God in new ways, to being a help to Andrew and the church, to learning Dutch, and, and, and.  And it'll be fun to share all this with you.
    Tomorrow is Sunday.  I begin a new week, my fourth here.  I wonder what it will hold for me.......


  1. Now you need a few houseplants! I would send you one of my snails for company, however it's probably more comfy at home. :)

    Welcome home.

  2. Glad to hear you're feeling at home!
