23 Jan 2012

How do I dry sheets?!

Now that sounds fairly simple, doesn't it?  Put them in the dryer or hang them on the line.

Well, I have no clothes line and my washing machine is a combination washer-dryer (Yes, that does exist over here!  Rather a cool idea for small apartments).  However, electricity costs a fortune in Europe and the dryer takes AGES to dry anything, so.....

Add to that that my sheets are pure cotton.
Add to that that my top sheet is a duvet (eiderdown) cover so it's doubly thick.
Don't forget the 2 pillowslips.

So here I am with this wet, heavy mass of white cotton that needs to dry somehow!

= buy a drying rack
= fold up the sheets so they fit on the rack :(  (Oh dear.  That means a longer drying time..)
= buy another set of sheets because these are going to take days to dry!! (Hope they don't go moldy first!)
= don't invite anyone over the day I wash sheets ( or for 2 days afterwards)

Adjustment! adjustment!  It's fun :)

1 comment:

  1. Or option 4, find a local laudromat and use that for your bedding! :P

    It's a pain, but it's probably worth it for the duvet.

    Option 5 live filthy like a student! (ok I am kidding about that one)

    I love you and miss you!
